I've read about dizziness during pregnancy but never experience it myself until last week. I was at the dentist and everything was fine. I felt OK before the appointment and there was no sign of tiresome or anything before that. It just happened and kinda scared me. I was lucky that I was lying at the time that I fainted, not walking somewhere by myself. Maybe it was because of lacking of sleep, having low sugar, or being in the position that prevents regular flow of blood to the brain. I had no idea what it was, but it would be wise for every pregnant women to be cautious about these symptoms. I had to have someone pick me up at the dentist, go home for more food, get some rest and come back for my car later. I hope my story may help other mom-to-be to be cautious, especially when you are about 7 months already.
Try to drink fluids frequently and have some snacks or something sweet in your purse at all time, just in case.
Sleep, drinks, and food are very important because we can never know what would happen, so better be safe than sorry.