Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Time does fly

If you've been reading this block, you would have known why the absence. Yes, I have delivered my daughter, a healthy 6 lbs 1 ounce one despite the fact that I gained only 19 lbs. She came right on time, which was amazing. Luckily, it didn't take long from the hurtful contraction to when she was born. I also had help the epidural. I would recommend it to everyone since it really helped, at least in my case. The real contractions were crucial and I didn't think I'd survive without it. And after the drug was gone, it was painful that I couldn't leave the hospital bed.

Enough about the painful part, now my baby is 10 weeks old and she has developed her social skill. Her smile and coo would brighten everyone in the house. I couldn't believe it has been 2 months already that I have her. Before, she only smiled when she was asleep which was actually depended on her muscles and had nothing to do with her mood. But, as a mom, these smiles count, too.

Let me tell you, as a first-time mom, there are loads of concerns that I rushed to the doctor when she was 2-week-old for nothing. So, for other first-time mommies, rashes, pimples, peeling skin, dry skin, tons of crying are perfectly normal as long as he/she doesn't have really high fever. Slight fever is also not harmful; in fact, it means that your baby's immune system is working well and you don't need to give her anything to bring the fever down. If you don't believe me, google it. Many mom and baby websites would provide you massive info about all symptoms that babies develop.